I'm not sure if bandwagoner is a word or not but I'm going to use it anyway. I was walking around Wal-Mart today and I was surprised at how many people were dawning BYU apparel. It seemed like everybody and there dog was wearing a BYU t-shirt. It's good news that people are excited about BYU football after a huge win, but it got me thinking. How can I spot the bandwagoners. The guys who didn't even know when the season started until they heard that BYU beat Oklahoma then all of the sudden they grew up watching the Cougars. I came up with a list of ways to spot a fair-weather fan.
1. They are wearing a Quest for Perfection T-shirt. Seriously people put those shirts back in your closet. You might have been naive enough to buy one in the first place but a real fan would know to keep that thing in the attic. Shell out the 5 bucks and buy the 25 year anniversary T-shirt.
2. This one will require you to look around at the stadium on game day. The real fans will be wearing Cougar blue. The bandwagoners will be wearing anything else. Like the guy behind you in the pink polo shirt who is flirting with the girl behind him who "got all dolled up for the game" and is wearing more make-up than bozo the clown.
OK so now that I've got that o ut of the way here are my position by positiongrades from the Oklahoma game.
Quarterback: A, Max was awesome on Saturday. Doman said it right when he said that if you're going up against a defense as good as Oklahoma's you're going to throw an interception. The thing that impressed me was how he came back from those. Against Utah and TCU he fell apart after making a couple of mistakes but on Saturday he just buckled down and got better. The final drive to take the lead was possibly one of the gutsiest any quarterback at BYU has led.
Running Back: B+, Kariya get's an A for doing a superb job in filling in for Unga. He ran hard and he was very valuable in the passing game. Tonga get's an A for his lead blocking but a C or D for his actual running. When he had the ball he looked slow and out of shape. That is to be expected after being out for so long but it really doesn't concern me that he didn't run well. His blocking was great.
Offensive Line: B+, For all the injuries that these guy fought through they were spectacular. They held off an amazing OU defensive line for 4 quarters. The reason that I'm not giving them an A is because they had a bit of a lapse in the 3rd quarter where they didn't give Hall very much time at all. Overall this group has a huge upside if they can play like that all year long. One of my favorite plays was when Terrence Brown followed the play to then end and got us an extra 4 yards because of his hustle. For those that don't remember it was when he jumped over his own guy and then hit 3 Oklahoma defenders that were tackling Kariya and knocked the pile ahead 3 or 4 yards. A lot of the credit goes to Mark Weber who has obviously done a great job getting these guys on the same page.
Tight Ends: A+, Mr. 3rd Down and Mr. 3rd down Jr. came through all game long when we needed them. George with a TD and couple huge 3rd down catches, and Pitta with the big 4th down conversion and a few 3rd down conversions for good measure. The OU corners did a great job of shutting down the outside. Thanks to Pitta and George we still had plenty of yards up the middle.
Receivers: C, probably the only dull spot of the night. Jacobson had the huge TD catch but he also had the huge punt return fumble that gave OU their only TD of the game. Chambers also looked good but then he fumbled the ball on the goal line in a big situation. Lots of upside but they need to clean up the mistakes. On the other hand they had a tough night because of how good the OU corners played.
Defensive Line: A+, We manhandled OU's offensive line because our defensive line did a heck of a job at plugging up the middle and stopping the run. Everyone was taking on 2 blockers which opened up a lot of space for out line-backers to blitz and put tons of pressure on their quarterback.
Linebackers: A, after Bauman went down a was a little bit worried, but no one played as hard as Pendleton did to make up for it. His play really was inspiring. He made a lot of huge plays. The other outside linebacker, Clawson was also great. He did what he does best and that is put pressure on the QB. Clawson has great down hill speed and that makes up for his lack of lateral quickness.
Secondary: A+, obviously these guys did a great job. For the first time in a long time when a pass went up I didn't worry. These guys found the ball all night long. They had some great open field tackles and some great pass breakups. I'm really excited for these guys. I think the scheme helped them out a lot too. Because of the pressure we were able to get on the QB they didn't have to stay in coverage as long. Win Win.
Coaches: A+, Wow BYU was really prepared for this game. Play of the game was the double play call on the final drive when we did the draw play on 3rd (I was screaming at the TV on that play btw) and then the quick snap and pass to Pitta on 4th. Great job by the coaches and an excellent move to put Doman on the side line and move Anae to the Box.
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